I guess I was in the sixth grade when I first saw the cryptography challenges that a website posts online and at the eight grade I saw about the puzzle "Cicada 3301". At that point, I realized that I really love challenges and programming is a great way to keep getting new ones. I decided to learn how to programme. I wanted to learn about solving cryptograms, making video games, even maybe hacking FBI(just a joke NSA). Well, after an hour of research I realized that it is not that easy. Because when you don't know anything you can't know where to start.
After I started at university I was teaching some of my classmates about programming lessons. And I was really tired of telling the same thing over and over again. Then I realised I will have to tell everything to my freshman brother too. So when our digital marketing teacher asked us to keep a blog I wanted to use it for quick programming videos, programming tips, jokes and maybe about cybersecurity. Hope you'll like it...